Customer Testimonials

As an expanding business we have partnered IT Sorted for over 6 years. Their ability to deliver be-spoke, on time solutions within budget is unprecedented and has greatly helped our business achieve excellence in customer satisfaction.

Alistair Roberts, Director

IT Sorted were extremely dedicated to our project and the end result was testament to this. An excellent job done.

Gareth Williams, Director

IT Sorted took on the task of converting a complex Excel spread sheet into a working, streamlined quote program. With regular updates, the program was able to evolve with the business to suit our every need. They’re friendly, cheery and always keep in communication. All around great service!

Tom Grother, IT Department

The systems IT Sorted have designed and implemented for my company have revolutionised the business. We can serve customers efficiently and data is stored in such a way that accessing it for marketing and operational purposes is both easy and informative.

James Hadley, Owner

IT Sorted have supported Response from the initial stages of setting up in 2007 to the company we are today with over 50 employees and over £4m turnover, without their expertise and personal support from Nigel our success would not have been possible. I would advise and recommend IT Sorted to any new or established business.

Dave Jones, Managing Director